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I'm so glad HE stepped in and took action!!!

Allan R. Bevere

Good post. How many times have I spoken to people who are upset that someone has not spoken with them or called them, and when I ask if they had initiated such contact, they haven't. As the old saying goes, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Bobby Valentine

Jim thank you for this blog. We do need to be people who are actively investing of ourselves in those around us. It is often difficult and costly but this is what Jesus did.

I think I have a few friends I need to call.

Bobby Valentine

Connie Lard

This is harder for some people than for others. But, those of us who are by nature rather introverted can't use that as an excuse for not reaching out to people. As we mature in Christ we must learn to do things that may not be comfortable for us at first. Thanks for the reminder and the encouragement.

L.L. Barkat

Reminds me of the verse from Proverbs... to have a friend, you must be a friend (that's a paraphrase, but it's the spirit of it).

Jim Martin

Thanks to all of you for these comments...I really think this is important.

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